Monday, September 27, 2010

These days and months, amongst all the new things that are on the verge of happening to me, my life is mostly articulated by desire and longing for things not long past. While my mind is set on future - on the coming planned years that are to complete me as a man - my senses are driven by painful flows of longing, which begin and finish my hours of wakefulness before drifting me into bittersweet  dreams. Indeed, such are curious days when 'time' and 'memory' are equally my sincere allies and notorious enemies.

Remembrance of the resonance of our entwined heartbeats in those autumn nights transcend me to ecstatic moments of peace, which I cherish even if clouded in melancholy. Such are divine moments when I - in between the frequent pangs of desire and remorse - am promised world peace.



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